Search Help

The EGON SCHIELE AUTOGRAPH DATABASE allows for research to be conducted using two different search modes. Below, you will find a detailed outline of both search modes. We recommend that you read the following instructions before starting your initial search.

  Quick Search
Expert Search

( 1 ) QUICK SEARCH   nach oben

( 1a ) Mode "Quick Search"
The search mode "Quick Search" provides the input field "Full-Text Search" as well as 4 check boxes for selecting a document category in the field “Category”. The input field and check boxes may be used simultaneously. When entering dates, please remember to use the standard date format (DD.MM.YYYY: 03.01.1914; YYYY: 1914). The input field is not case-sensitive.

1. [ Full-Text Search ]: Search for one or several key words that appear in the fields “Document“, "Motif", "Transcription" or "Inventory Evidence" by entering them into the input field "Full-Text Search". The search engine will find all objects whose description matches the terms or parts of the terms that appear in the fields mentioned above.

2. [ Category ]: Search for specific types of documents by using the check boxes "Documents by Egon Schiele", "Documents addressed to Egon Schiele", "Documents by third parties addressed to third parties" and "Varia".

( 1b ) Display option "Search Results"
Once you have entered your search term/terms, press "Enter" or click the button "Find Data Sets". Click on “Reset” to start a new search. If your search has been successful, the display option “Search Results" will come up on your screen. All relevant matches are listed chronologically, with 10 data sets being displayed at any one time. The number of search results is displayed at the top of the list. You can move from one page to another by clicking [ |< ], [ >| ], [ < ], [ > ]. The matches are listed along with the following information:

1. [ Database-ID ]: shows the object’s ID number.
2. [ Image ]: displays a preview picture of the autograph, if an image is available.
3. [ Document ]: describes the type of document.
4. [ Date ]: DD.MM.YYYY - if available, additional information about the date is given in brackets (hand-written, postage stamp, inferred from content, note in somebody else’s hand), etc.
5. [ Incipit ]: If a transcript was recorded, this field displays the first words of that transcription.
6. [ Inventory Evidence ]: indicates the object’s whereabouts and/or the name of the rights holder in short form (excluding inventory numbers). Should the search terms already come up in the display option "Search Results", they are highlighted in color.

( 1c ) Display Option "Details"
By clicking on one of the relevant matches displayed in the column "Documents", you will be directed to the display option "Details". This display option shows you the chosen object and lists all the available data and/or all the data released by the rights holder on the object. You can move from one page to another by clicking [ |< ], [ >| ], [ < ], [ > ]. The matches are listed along with the following information:

1. [ Database-ID ]: shows the object’s ID number.
2. [ Document ]: describes the type of document.
2a. [ Motif ]: gives additional information if the document is a postcard with a known motif.
3. [ Image ]: displays all available digital image data. Images can be enlarged by clicking on them. Please place any inquiry concerning reproducible image data directly with the rights holder. Unavailable images are marked "No image currently available”.
4. [ Date ]: DD.MM.YYYY - if available, additional information about the date is given in brackets (hand-written, postage stamp, inferred from content, note in somebody else’s hand), etc.
5. [ Technique/Material ]: indicates technique on material.
6. [ Measurements ]: indicates height x width in cm – additional information about the type of measurement is given in brackets (page, sheet, etc.).
7. [ Inventory Evidence ]: indicates the object’s whereabouts and/or the name of the rights holder, including the object’s inventory number as stated in the user agreement.
8. [ Incipit ]: If a transcript was recorded, this field displays the first words of that transcription.
9. [ Nebehay-No. 1979 ]: indicates the object number allocated by Christian M. Nebehay in his 1979 work Egon Schiele 1890-1918. Leben, Briefe, Gedichte, Salzburg 1979 and offers additional information about whether the entire transcription was published in this work or whether only parts thereof were published. The field “Recorded In” gives information about additional publications.
10. [ Recorded In ]: lists further relevant publications (short reference) in which the object has been recorded, especially Arthur Roessler’s Briefe und Prosa von Egon Schiele, Vienna 1921. For complete titles of the works, see the menu item "Bibliography".
11. [ Citation ]: general information on citing the database and on citing the individual object, including URL and PURL.
12. [ Comments ]: Should you have any further information on the object, please click on the button " e-mail" to e-mail us any comments, additional information or suggestions concerning the object. In doing so, you support the operators of this website in their desire to continuously update and maintain the database.

Return to the original search results by clicking "Back to Search Results". It is not recommended that you return to the original search results by using your browser’s “Back Button”.

( 1d ) No results found
If the entered search terms have yielded no results, the words "No results found!" will come up on your screen.


( 2 ) EXPERT SEARCH   nach oben

( 2a ) Mode "Expert Search"
The "Expert Search" mode provides the input field "Full-Text Search", the numeric input fields "Nebehay-No. 1979" and "Database-ID", the drop-down fields "Technique", "Material" and "Inventory Evidence" as well as 4 check boxes for selecting a document category in the field “Category”. All input fields and check boxes may be used simultaneously. When entering dates, please remember to use the standard date format (DD.MM.YYYY: 03.01.1914; YYYY: 1914). The input fields are not case-sensitive.

1. [ Full-Text Search ]: see "Quick Search" mode ( 1a ).

2. [ Technique ]: The drop-down field "Technique" lists all current entries about techniques used. Select an entry and either press "Enter" or click the button "Find Data Sets".

3. [ Material ]: The drop-down field "Material" lists all current entries about materials used. Select an entry and either press "Enter" or click the button "Find Data Sets".

4. [ Inventory Evidence ]: The drop-down field "Inventory Evidence" lists all information currently available on inventory evidence/rights holders. Select an entry and either press "Enter" or click the button "Find Data Sets".

5. [ Category ]: see "Quick Search" mode ( 1a ).

6. [ Nebehay-No. 1979 ]: The numeric input field "Nebehay-No. 1979" allows you to search for the object numbers allocated by Christian M. Nebehay in his work Egon Schiele 1890-1918. Leben, Briefe, Gedichte, Salzburg 1979.

7. [ Database-ID ]: The numeric input field "Database-ID" allows you to conduct a targeted search for the object numbers allocated by the EGON SCHIELE AUTOGRAPH DATABASE.  

( 2b ) Display option "Search Results"
See display option "Search Results" ( 1b ).

( 2c ) Display option "Details"
By clicking on one of the relevant matches displayed in the column "Documents", you will be directed to the display option "Details". This display option shows you the chosen object and lists all the available data and/or all the data released by the rights holder on the object. You can move from one page to another by clicking [ |< ], [ >| ], [ < ], [ > ]. The matches are listed along with the following information:

1. [ Database-ID ]: shows the object’s ID number.
2. [ Document ]: describes the type of document.
2a. [ Motif ]: gives additional information if the document is a postcard with a known motif.
3. [ Image ]: displays all available digital image data. Images can be enlarged by clicking on them. Please place any inquiry concerning reproducible image data directly with the rights holder. Unavailable images are marked "No image currently available”.
4. [ Date ]: DD.MM.YYYY - if possible, additional information about the date is given in brackets (hand-written, postage stamp, inferred from content, note in somebody else’s hand), etc.
5. [ Technique/Material ]: indicates technique on material.
6. [ Measurements ]: indicates height x width in cm – additional information about the type of measurement is given in brackets (page, sheet, etc.).
7. [ Inventory Evidence ]: indicates the object’s whereabouts and/or the name of the rights holder, including the object’s inventory number as stated in the user agreement.
8. [ Transcription ]: cites the transcription using the document’s original alignment without parenthesis. Individual pages are separated from one another with the symbol "||". Additions to the text are cited in square brackets. Errors are enclosed in square brackets and are marked with an exclamation mark [!]. Comments on the content of the transcription are cited in square brackets and are numbered consecutively using Arabic numerals [1]. These comments are explained in the field "Annotations". The absence of a transcription is marked "No transcription currently available". Transcriptions that have not been released by the rights holder are marked "The transcription has not been released by the rights holder". Varia are not marked.
9. [ Provenance ]: information about possible previous owners of the document and/or historical proof of ownership as recorded in the 1979 work by Christian M. Nebehay.
10. [ Annotations ]: additional information in square brackets, consecutively numbered using Arabic numerals.
11. [ Nebehay-No. 1979 ]: indicates the object number allocated by Christian M. Nebehay in his 1979 work Egon Schiele 1890-1918. Leben, Briefe, Gedichte, Salzburg 1979 and offers additional information about whether the entire transcription was published in this work or whether only parts thereof were published. The field “Recorded In” gives information about additional publications.
12. [ Recorded In ]: lists further relevant publications (short reference) in which the object has been recorded, especially Arthur Roessler’s Briefe und Prosa von Egon Schiele, Vienna 1921. For complete titles of the works, see the menu item "Bibliography".
13. [ URL ]: The individual rights holder is to be cited as the owner of an object. All rights holders are designated in the field "Inventory Evidence". In case the rights holders are private collectors who wish to remain anonymous or if the whereabouts of an object cannot be traced and are designated as “Whereabouts Unknown”, the title of the database is to be cited along with the URL as follows:

Egon Schiele Autograph Database, ID: 0000

14. [ Comments ]: Should you have any further information on the object, please click on the button " e-mail" to e-mail us any comments, additional information or suggestions concerning the object. In doing so, you support the operators of this website in their desire to continuously update and maintain the database.

Return to the original search results by clicking "Back to Search Results". It is not recommended that you return to the original search results by using your browser’s “Back Button”.

( 2d ) No results found
If the entered search terms have yielded no results, the words "No results found!" will come up on your screen.