
The EGON SCHIELE AUTOGRAPH DATABASE serves as a research platform on the Austrian artist Egon Schiele. Commissioned by the former Austrian Federal Ministry for Education, Arts and Culture, (today The Austrian Federal Chancellery, Division II: Arts and Culture) the database was compiled by the Leopold Museum Private Foundation who is expanding it continuously.

Based on the publications by Arthur Roessler (1921) and Christian M. Nebehay (1979), the aim of the database is to compile all known and newly discovered autographs by, addressed to or about Egon Schiele as well as varia on the artist from Austrian and international collections and institutions within one database in order to make them accessible for online research.

At present, the database comprises 2799 data sets from more than 30 institutions and collections. Aside from technical informations the database provides the transcription of the text, an photograph of the object and any further sources. The autographs are currently being translated to English. Moreover the EGON SCHIELE AUTOGRAPH DATABASE offers a comprehensive bibliography as well as a detailed biography of Egon Schiele.

The database allows for research to be conducted using two different search modes: quick search and expert search. Researchers can register to use the expert search function online.
> Register here


Egon Schiele, A Self-Portrait, 1910
Egon Schiele
A Self-Portrait, 1910
Leopold Museum, Vienna